IMMEDIA has extensive experience in multiple aspects related to the development and evolution of space mission ground systems, both in the preparation and operational phases.
The knowledge of European software engineering standards and the technologies used in the European Space Agency (ESA) environment has allowed us to participate in activities such as Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), the definition of software engineering guidelines and recommendations or the contribution to the definition and development of new operational infrastructures for ground systems.
IMMEDIA has particular expertise in data models for monitoring and control of space systems, developing multiple consulting projects and development of tools for data management and manipulation during the mission preparation phase, data migration between different models, and data adaptation for external interfaces. We have developed multiple data modeling and management components that require advanced knowledge of space systems telemetry and telecommand structures and exchange formats.
Our experience covers systems currently in operation, such as ESA S2K and its MIB data format, as well as the new generation of ESA EGS-CC based systems and the CDM / TDM data model.
In this highly specialised environment, we maintain cooperative relationships with leading European companies in the sector and participate in multiple joint projects as well as direct activities with the European Space Agency (ESA).